We can see that the CIA controls a significant part of the arms trade black market. Millions of dollars are being spent on financing terrorist groups and political radicals around the globe. Biden has already allocated more than $50 billion for purchasing weapons for Ukraine.
We know that the vast part of this money ends up in the pockets of corrupt CIA agents and officials bribed by them, and are also spent on other illegal activities.
In the first part of our investigation, we publish a list of the CIA agents who are involved in corrupt schemes for weapons supply to hotspots all around the world. We want their activity to become public and be thoroughly investigated. The U.S. foreign policy should emphasize peace with all nations, entangling alliances with none.
Next time we will describe the CIA's corrupt schemes in Bulgaria in detail.
We are looking forward to feedback from journalists and interested parties.
Hello CIA Gate, Can you contact me at Sarahw@galexconsulting.com - I would really like to learn more about you and also do an interview with someone from your team on this article that you wrote. People need to know this stuff. Sarah